
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2018

My Eid al-Fitr holiday experiences this year

Name : Erika Pradita Class    : 4Ka23 NPM     : 13114606 My Eid al-Fitr holiday experiences this year Ramadan is an event that always I look forward to each year, the Event where I could hang out with the family. It's been 3 years since I migrated to jakarta to study at University of Gunadarma, each year I always go for the feast of Eid al-Fitr in my hometown, Makassar. This year I went to Makassar on Sunday the 3rd week of Ramadan. Becuase as usual, the campus is always set off that is the week before the feast of Eid al-Fitr arrived. My journey to Makassar took 2 hours by airplane, I got there safely and welcomed by my family. I'm so glad I can hang out with my family, Dad, Mom, brother   and grandmother at home. Suhoor and Iftar together, and I also got a lot of Iftar invitations along with my old friends. I returned to jakarta a week after the feast of Eid al-Fitr, still use the transport airplanes, I'm grateful to safely and struggled with nor


Name : Erika Pradita Class    : 4Ka23 NPM     : 13114606 The words and expressions in the following sentence are not in the correct order. Put these separated sentence elements into their normal positions. Do not add or eliminate any words or expressions. Capitalize in the first word in each sentence, and add the proper punctuation at the end of the sentence. 1)       Every day – at the school cafetaria – our lunch – we don’t eat. a.       We don’t eat our lunch at the school cafetaria every day. 2)       Those fellows – will – remain – how long – in Washington, D.C. a.       How long those fellows will remain in Washington,D.C. 3)       An official – about this rule – a question – the two men asked. a.       The two men asked an official a question about this rule. 4)       Whose name was Prus – lived – at that time – in Poland – a writer. a.       A writer whose name was Prus lived in Poland at that time. 5)       The flowers –to see – its wonder


Name : Erika Pradita Class    : 4Ka23 NPM     : 13114606 UNIT 114 EXERCISES 114.1   In this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use at, on, or in with one of the phrases from the box   1)       Columbus discovered America in the 15 th century 2)       The first man landed on the moon on 21 July 1969. 3)       In britain football matches are usually played on saturdays 4)       You can see the stars at night if the sky is clear. 5)       In britain children have to start school at the age of five. 6)       Jazz become popular in the united states in the 1920s . 7)       Its difficult to listen when everyone is speaking at the same time. 8)       The russian revolution took place in 1917. 9)       Tom isn’t here in about five minutes . He’ll be back at the moment. 114.2    Put in the correct proportions : at, in, on.                                                                   Examples : The conc

Change The Verb

145 Change the verb to the active voice and rewrite the sentence. Be sure to keep the same tense. In some cases, it will be necessary to supply a subject (see the second example). 1. The books were taken by john.       John took the books. 2. The boxes were mailed today.         He mailed the boxes today. 3. The two packages were opened by my secretary. My Secretary opened the two packages. 4. Our homework is corrected by our teacher.   Our teacher corrected our homework. 5. Two buildings have been constructed by that company. That company contructed two buildings. 6. That room wasn’t cleaned carefully yesterday. He wasn’t carfully cleaned the room yesterday. 7. The truck is being loaded by the man now. The man is loading the truck. 8. was that machine cheked by the inspector? Was the inspector checked the machine? 9. will that report be written by the same committe? Will the same committe written that report? 10. Has the news been announced by the